All posts by India

CommLab homework, week 2

This week’s assignment:

• Install WordPress on your ITP account or create a blog in ITP’s multiuser environment. Document this process in your blog.
• Transfer first week’s assignment to your blog
• Find three blogs you like and create links to them in your sidebar
• Document your process as an entry in your blog.

As I mentioned last week, I’d already tried ITP’s built-in multiuser blog and found it frustrating. So it was with great joy that I set up a standalone version in my Web space.

I’ve installed WordPress once before, for my mom’s website. Setting up that just the way I wanted it took me several days, interleaved with real work tasks. So this install was quick and painless, though I’m still sorting out some permissions things and trying to decide which plugins I want. And it took hours to find a template that did roughly what I want; I’ll tweak it from here.

Photo: Oblivious by Vicki’s Pics / Vicki Ashton; some rights reserved.

I, Spy

I-Spy books

On Sunday, Diego, Juri, David, and I slogged around Park Slope in the heat, snapping photos of strangers and writing notes about them, à la Harriet the Spy. The assignment was to

take a one-hour hour walk or ride around the city. Try to travel as far as you can from your start and get back in an hour, this will give more variety. Take note of every time you see a person using a digital device. This could be anything from buying and using a Metrocard on the subway to playing video games in an arcade to making cell phone calls to using an ATM to swiping an ID at the gym. With each action you note, take note of:

* location and time of day
* apparent intent of the actor
* time taken for the action
* number of people involved
* motor skills needed (hands, legs, seeing, hearing, etc)

Collect your notes on your blog. Do this in pairs, with one person observing and the other keeping notes. Alternate roles as well.

My data

Observation photos by Juri

Because there were four of us, the taking turns part was a bit chaotic. Most of the time, whenever anyone spotted a new subject, they’d call it out and we’d all start scribbling or photographing (I didn’t bring a camera, because mine is big and obvious), though there was one point when Diego told me he’d take notes for a while, as he’d mostly been photographing people. We spent almost the entire hour walking, so it was hard to get a sense of the time taken for most of the actions we observed, especially as most of those were cell phone calls or iPod usage that started and ended outside our view. There was one guy whom we walked behind for several minutes, and while everyone else went into a shop to poke around, I waited on the sidewalk and saw a couple of people who had ongoing calls.

The lack of variety was kind of surprising, but it had a lot to do with where we were. There was no subway along our route, and no buses arrived while we stood near any bus stops, so we didn’t see any Metrocard use. And in some spots where there was a lot going on, we’d focus on different people, so, for example, David and Juri observed some people using ATMs, while Diego and I were facing the other way. We had to go out of our way to see a coffee shop with people working on laptops, and though we saw several people carrying cameras, I spotted only one person using one (besides us, of course). I was also surprised to see only one person apparently using his cell phone as a timepiece, especially since I was pulling mine out every two minutes for that purpose.

Nearly everyone we observed was solo. Nineteen out of the thirty-six people whose actions I recorded were using cell phones, apparently to communicate with someone else (though you never know, with all the stuff you can do through your phone now). Fourteen of those were walking or bike riding while doing so. All but one person held his or her phone in hand; of the two people I saw using hands-free phone mics (one of whom is not on the list, because it was after we’d officially stopped stalking people), one still had to use his hand to hold the mic close enough to his mouth that he could be heard. Most people who didn’t have iPhones had flip phones, which require a fair amount of dexterity to use.

One thing we didn’t make note of was people using digital tools within cars. For one thing, it’s hard to see into a car. For another, it’s safe to assume that any car made in the last fifteen years has something digital in it, so probably every car we saw was eligible. I would have liked to see a driver using that system that helps you back up without hitting anything—a gadget I became aware of for the first time in July, when I rode in my brother’s ginormous SUV—but there are very few parking spot in Park Slope, so finding anyone trying to parallel park would have required much more time walking around in the blazing heat.

My impression was that not only were most of the people we saw using technology walking while doing so, but also that most of the people we saw walking were using technology while doing so. It might have been useful to count the number of people not using digital devices, for comparison. Then again, we were having enough trouble keeping up, as it was.

I-Spy photo: I-SPY books by Leo Reynolds / LeoL30; some rights reserved. All other photos by Juri Imamura.

Drawing program

a doodle made by our Processing app

Part two of this week’s ICM homework: “Make a painting program or a kaleidoscope that uses mouse interaction.”

Neither Ruthie nor I could envision out how even an analog kaleidoscope might work, so we took the drawing program option. Again, we relied heavily on examples from the book (Drawing a Continuous Line and mousePressed and keyPressed), but instead of making a program that just draws a single, continuous black line, we added a mousePressed thing so that it draws a black box and changes the line color every time you click.

Bouncing Ball

bouncing ball, rainbowified

Ruthie and I worked together on two assignments. The first was “Make a ball bounce around the screen.”

I thought I knew how to do this, but after beating my head against it for maybe forty-five minutes, I finally looked at the example online: Example 5-6: Bouncing Ball.

Ohhhhhhh. I would never have thought of that speed = speed * -1; in a million years.

So then we ended up copying the example, which is not much fun. To make it more interesting, we made the ball move diagonally. But with both speedY and speedY incrementing at a steady rate, the ball just does a box step. Still not very interesting. I wanted to introduce a little rotation, but using speed = speed * -1.1;, though interesting at first, eventually speedY goes too far from +/- 1, which causes the ball to go crazy and disappear.

So I added an if statement to reset the variable to 1 if it got outside the range -/+ 5, but that, too, caused the ball to start behaving weirdly after a couple of turns. I figured out that it had to do with not keeping the ball going in the right—-making the reset value always +1, never -1—but I didn’t know how to preserve a negative value. Jeremy came over and talked me through making it work. Yay, Jeremy!

CommLab homework, week 1

Waterfall under the bridge

This week’s homework:

  • Create two simple web pages using styles, and FTP them into your ITP account.
  • Visit the Waterfalls (, or check out David Byrne’s “Playing the Building.” Post response on your site.
  • Read Walter Ong, Orality and Literacy, Chapters 1–4 (The Orality of Language, The modern Discovery of Primary Oral Cultures, Some Psychodynamics of Orality, Writing Restructures Consciousness), and post response to Ong on your site. Be prepared to discuss in class.
  • Email [Spencer] the URL by Saturday.

Well, my Internet connection was really dodgy this weekend, so the last item was out of the question, but the rest is here:

Learning HTML

Mutant WordPress

Mutant Hemingway theme

I can see already that I’m going to have to do my own WordPress install. I wanted to just make do with the school’s installation, but, the built-in theme system is too broken.

The first theme I tried, veryplaintxt, had some typographical things that annoyed me, so I copied it to My Themes and tried to get to it through the built-in theme editor . . . ? No dice. Error message. Since I’d copied it over, I could have just made hard edits via FTP, but I’m trying to work with the system.

So I switched to this theme, Hemingway, which doesn’t annoy me as much out of the box. But it refuses to display my blogroll, no matter where I try to put it—

Hemingway configuration

—which is bad, because I need those links to the class pages (which is another issue; why is everything so scattered around?). I could just make a static links list, since the pages list is showing up, but—It. Should. Work.

Also? This WordPress Mu installation is some weird-ass out-of-date version: “wordpress-mu-1.2.3-2.2.1.” I’d much rather have the new version. And having neither the well-thought-out plug-in set that’s used at not the ability to install my own choice of plug-ins sucks.

I don’t think I’ll have time to install WP this weekend, though, so I’ll just have to whine.